Information for Oncological Care Programmes


General Information:





      - Update ICD-O-3 November 2011 (improved version January 2013)
      - International Classification of Diseases of Oncology, third edition (ICD-O-3) FIRST

      - ICD-O-3.2: Official list


      o Thoracic oncology lung TNM 7th edition



      o Morphology codes of haematological malignancies WHO 2017  (Borderline)
      o Sublocalisation colon tumours 
      o Sublocalisation skin tumours
      o Urothelial cell tumours
      o Treatments NEW 2017
      o Modified groups by Berg

      o List of paired organs

Presentations given at the symposium on Gastrointestinal malignancies on 25/11/2014:



Information related to the round of requests (info aimed at non-WBCR users):



For paediatric hemato-oncology centres


